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Помогите пожалуйста. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.Recently Nigel’s boss (to promise) him promotion. So, for obvious reasons Nigel (to invite) the Greens to Christmas dinner. It (to decide) to roast turkey for the guests.
On Friday evening the guests (to arrive). Although Charlotte (to spend) most of the day shopping and cooking, she (to look) lovely. After the first course (to eat) she (to go) into the kitchen to get the roast turkey which (to take out) of the oven just beforethe soup (to serve). But something terrible (to happen). Smudge, their cat, (to enjoy) his own Christmas dinner. In fact he already (to eat) most of one leg and now (to start) on the other. Charlotte immediately (to kick) him out into the garden and then (to wonder) what she (to do) next. She certainly (not to want) to ruin the meal which (to take) her hours to prepare, so she (to decide) to keep quiet. She (to cut) the turkey in the kitchen so that no one (to see) the damage that Smudge (to do).
The turkey (to be) a great success, so by the time Charlotte (to go) into the kitchen to make coffee she completely (to forgive) Smudge, and (to open) the back door to let him in again. But something even worse than before (to happen). There, on the doorstep, (to be) the dead body of poor Smudge. Charlotte (to shock), as she (to realize) what (to happen). Smudge obviously (to die) of food poisoning ... and their guests (to eat) turkey too!
They (to tell) their guests the whole story. They all (to agree) to go to the hospital. After the unpleasant operation in the hospital they (to go) in through the back gate to pick up the body of Smudge but the cat (to disappear).

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RecentlyNigel’s boss (had promised) him a promotion. So, for obvious reasons Nigel(invited) the Greens to Christmas dinner. It (was decided) to roastturkey for the guests.
On Friday evening the guests (arrived). Although Charlotte (had spend)most of the day shopping and cooking, she (looked) lovely. After thefirst course (had been eaten) she (went) into the kitchen to get the roastturkey which (had been taken out) of the oven just before the soup (was served).But something terrible (happened). Smudge, their cat, (was enjoying) hisown Christmas dinner. In fact he had already (eaten) most of one leg andwas now (starting) on the other. Charlotte immediately ( kicked) him outinto the garden and then ( wondered) what she (should do) next. Shecertainly (did not want) to ruin the meal which (had taken) her hours toprepare, so she (decided) to keep quiet. She (cut) the turkey inthe kitchen so that no one (would see) the damage that Smudge (had done).
The turkey (was) a great success, so by the time Charlotte (went)into the kitchen to make coffee she had completely (forgiven) Smudge, and(opened) the back door to let him in again. But something even worsethan before (happened). There, on the doorstep, (was) the dead bodyof poor Smudge. Charlotte (was shocked), as she (realized) what (hadhappened). Smudge had obviously ( died) of food poisoning ... and theirguests (had been eating) turkey too!
They (told) their guests the whole story. They all (agreed) to goto the hospital. After the unpleasant operation in the hospital they (went) in through the back gate to pick up the body of Smudge but the cat(had disappeared).

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