Английский язык Архивный вопрос

1. Вставьте, где необходимо, артикли a, an или the

2. We shall go to ... restaurant together with ... our friends.

3. I like ... coffee without ... sugar.

4. What ... fine day it is today!

5. We came into ... shop.

6. What do you usually have for ... breakfast?

7. What do you usually have for ... second course?

8. I had ... supper at the hotel restaurant.

9. She likes ... black coffee for ... breakfast.

10. I liked ... pork we had for... supper.

11. I had ... big dinner today.

12. She will cook ... soup for ... dinner.

13. I enjoyed ... lunch they served at the restaurant.

14. What can you recommend for ... first course?

15. For ... breakfast I had ... boiled egg and ... cup of ... strong tea.

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2a,-  3-,-  4a  5the  6-  7the  8-  9-,-  10-,-  11-  12-,-  13-  14ther  15-,a,a,-

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1.We shall go to a restaurant together with the our friends.
2.I like a coffee without the sugar.
3.What a fine day it is today.
4.We came into the shop.
5.What do you usually have for a breakfast?
6.What do you usually have for the (наверное) second course?
7.I had a supper at the hotel restaurant.
8.She likes a black coffee for the breakfast.
9.I liked a pork we had for the supper.
10.I had a bid dinner today.
If the following word starts with a consonant sound, then we say A:
If the following word starts with a vowel sound, then we say An:

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