Very often people would be looking for the exact word or a name for some usual situation. Once such a word if found, it is commonly used. However, for us as students of English such words may be tricky or even surprising. Let's try to sort them out!
In each case choose the word or phrase that fits the situation best. (нужные слова/словосочетания выделены капсом)
1. He's too UNRELIABLE to keep that job.
A) flaky B) forty C) flexed
2. He LOST CONTROL OG HIMSELF SUDDENLY when he heard the news.
A) filled up B) flopped C) flipped-out
3. You should listen to the OTHER side of the argument before you decide.
A) flip B) fox C) five
4. I can't believe he called the police about the noise. He's such AN OLDFASHIONED PERSON.
A) a fossil B) a fish C) a foam
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