Помогите написать сочинение Russia (10-20 предложений). Заранее спасибо

I call Russia as my Homeland, because I was born and live here.
I love my Homeland. My relatives, friends and colleagues live here too, I also love them. All the inhabitants of my Homeland understand Russian, so they can communicate without any problems.
Russia is the largest state in the world. It is washed by two oceans at once. They are the Pacific and Arctic oceans and there are much more seas in Russia. On these seas Russia has a large fleet, and has the huge reserves of natural resources, such as gas, oil, gold and others. In Siberia and the Far East Russia has a large forest area with wildlife. But, despite the enormous resources, the majority part of Russia's population is not living a wealthy life.
My country is the Republic and the Federation.
And Moscow is the capital of my country, it is bigger than some European countries.
Russia is a multinational country, therefore divided into federated Republics, Autonomous provinces and districts. There are about two hundred different Nations who live here. They are Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Azeris, Ukrainians, Jews, Chukchas and many others. They are all called the Russian citizens. They should live together peacefully, because they have one and the same country. Unfortunately, it is often different. But I hope that by the time I grow up quarrels between the people of my country will finish.

Russia is a country located in Eastern Europe and Northern Asia.Russia is washed in the north by the Arctic Ocean and its seas: the Barents, Chukchee, East Siberian, Kara, Laptev and White seas, in the south by the Back, Azov, and Caspian seas;in the east by the Bering Sea, the Sea of Japan, and Okhotsk Sea in the west by the Baltic Sea.The size of Russia is hard to imagine.A flight from Moscow to Magadan takes eight hours.Russia is a land of long rivers and large lakes.Among the world's longest rivers rank the North Dvina, the three mighty Siberian rivers: the Ob, Lena and Yenisei, and the Amur.The largest of all Russia's rivers is the Volga.The three largest lakes in Russia are Baikal in South-Eastern Siberia and Ladoga and Onega in Northern Russia.The relief of Russia is mostly flat.It's located on two plains: the Great Russian Pan and the western Siberian Plain.There a three main mountain caucasus stretch from ranges in Russia.The the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea.The highest mountain is мount Elbrus.The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes.They divide the European and Asian parts of Russia.
Russia is a multinational state.There are live over 160 nationalities.
The Russian Federation includes 85 subjects, 46 of which are called provinces, 22 are republics, 9 are provinces, 3 are cities of federal significance, 4 are autonomous regions and 1 are autonomous region.
Russia is my favorite country because I live in it.

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