58 БАЛЛОВ!!!!
по тексту ответить на данные вопросы.
1)What do you think of the stickers Mia had on her backpack? Why do you think she put them on it? Was it a good idea? Do you think such things can help people consider wildlife more seriously? Have you ever done anything of the kind? Will you? What kind of sticker will it be?
2) What do you know about the Greenpeace organization? Do you think their activities are useful? In what way can people help animals to survive nowadays?

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1. I think it cool. Because she think it good idea. Yes, it was good idea. Of course, our brains are programmed to do what others do. If we notice that all protect nature, then naturally follow them. No, but i can do that. It will be sticker with cut trees who are asking to stop.
2. It an international independent non-governmental environmental organization established in 1971 in Canada. Yes, that organization help for all animals on the planet Earth. Peoples can save forests, deserts, lakes and marshes which are the houses of animals.
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