Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите пожалуйста!
1) You wont pass the exam if you... these rules
a. wont learn
b. hasnt learnt
c dont learn
2)Robert... better if you talked to him about his problem/
a. feels
b/ would feel
c. will feel
3) The door .... dont knock! Theres nobody in the flat
a. is locked
b. locks
c. were locked
4) Many interesting programs .... on TV in January
b. is shown
c. are shown
5)The climate of Great Britain... by Gulf Stream
a. was influenced
b. is influenced
c. influeces
6)These facts ... by an experiment in the lab
a. is proved
b. were proved
c/ are proved
7) This book .... a year ago
a. publishes
b. will be published
c. was published
8)The phone .... bill last month. Our telephone is blocked now
a. doesnt pay
b. was not paid
c. is not paid
9)Is he... a lot of money for his job?
a. will be paid
b. pays
c. paid
10) Well be late if the bus...
a. wont arrive
b. hasnt arrive
c. doesnt arrive

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1) c. don't learn
2) b. would feel
3) a. is locked
4) c. are shown
5) b. is influenced
6) b. were proved c. are proved - оба
7) c. was published
8) b. was not paid
9) c. paid
10) c. doesnt arrive

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