Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите раскрыть скобки.1Here (to be) our papers.2He (to keep) his documents on the shelf.3 I (to be) at home at six yesterday.4 There (to be) little fuel on board during the last voeage.5 We (to finish) this work in a couple of days.6 The motormen already (to repair) the main engine.7 Vessels ( to forbid) to anchor in the channel.8 By that,time tomorrow I (to take) my examination.9 We (to leave) the fishing zone before the storm began.10 The dockers (to discharge) the cargo the whole evening yesterday.

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1Here(are) our papers.2He ( keeps) his documents on the shelf.3 I (was)at home at six yesterday.4 There (was) little fuel on board duringthe last voyage.5 We (will finish) this work in a couple of days.6 Themotormen have already (repaired) the main engine.7 Vessels (are forbidden) toanchor in the channel.8 By that time tomorrow I (shall have taken) myexamination.9 We (had left) the fishing zone before the storm began.10The dockers (were discharging) the cargo the whole evening yesterday.

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