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Спасите от двоек!!! помогите пожалуйста!!! умоляяяю!!)

Спасите от двоек!!! помогите пожалуйста!!! умоляяяю!!)
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1 She did homework
2 The didnt go to Landan in last year
3 Did you see he in these week?
4 I see he in the park now
5 He newer no ate fish

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She already made her homework
They didn’t go to London last year
Did you see him on this week?
I just met him in the park
He never didn’t eat fish

1 комментария:
В 1,3,4,5 ошибки, 1 She has already done her homework. 3 Have you seen him this week? 4 I have just met him in the park. 5 He has never eaten fish.