Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Предложения - предсказания на англ. языке про то что будет в 2018 году.Начинаться должны I'm think,I'm sure, I'm believe и т.д. минимум 5 предложений

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I'm think jolh eve hutyer vert liv fyi sjk too.
I'm sure fgiu diferent ask froind koll big guel.
I'm believe Ju Hay ty sgi giod good,yuo UAS.
I'm udn retdi ty foo one 2018go

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I'm sure that in this year people will be more friendly all over the world.We can talk about different types of topics.In this year technology will be better,so will be moderner than was.And interesting of technology may be popular,people want to learn more about technology .Environment is better 2 percent.It is good result!

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