Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Open the brackets using Present Perfect.
1. I ________ (not be) here for two hours. 2. They ________ (own) the house since 1991. 3.______ they ________ (have) those problems for a long time? 4. We ________ (see) this movie already. 5. _______ you ________ (check) my spelling, Jack? 6. Angela ________ (taste) baked bananas in her trip to South America.7. _______ Lisa ________ (buy) a new television? 8. Donna ________ (break) her leg. 9. Tim and Allison ________ (have) a baby. 10. I ________ (know) Susan for all my life.11. ________ Dan ________ (work) there since last November? 12. Jamie ________ (be) sick for two days now. 13. You ________ (wait) for an answer since March. 14. Peter ________ (not be) to Barcelona since last summer. 15. I ________ (never built) houses in my life so far.

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1. I __HAVEN'T BEEN ______ (not be) here for two hours. 2. They __HAVE OWNED______ (own) the house since 1991. 3.__HAVE____ they ___HAD_____ (have) those problems for a long time? 4. We __HAVE SEEN______ (see) this movie already. 5. _HAVE______ you __CHECKED______ (check) my spelling, Jack? 6. Angela __HAS TASTED______ (taste) baked bananas in her trip to South America.7. _HAS______ Lisa __BOUGHT______ (buy) a new television? 8. Donna _HAS BROKEN _______ (break) her leg. 9. Tim and Allison HAVE HAD________ (have) a baby. 10. I __HAVE KNOWN______ (know) Susan for all my life.11. __HAS______ Dan __WORKED______ (work) there since last November? 12. Jamie _HAS BEEN_______ (be) sick for two days now. 13. You __HAVE WAITED______ (wait) for an answer since March. 14. Peter _HASN'T BEEN_______ (not be) to Barcelona since last summer. 15. I __HAVE NEVER BUILT______ (never built) houses in my life so far.

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