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Change these sentences from the positive to the negative 1. She works very hard. 2. It usually snows here in the winter. 3. I like a big breakfast every morning. 4. The film starts very early. 5. He swims every morning. 6. They always open the windows at night. 7. We often see our neighbors in the garden. 8. You drive very fast. 9. Chris goes on holiday every year. 10. These children learn very quickly.

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1. She doesn't work very hard.
2. It doesn't usually snow here
3. I don't like big breakfast
4. The film doesn't start early
5. He doesn't swim every morning
6. They don't always open the windows
7. We don't often see out neighbors
8. You don't drive very fast
9. He doesn't go on holiday
10. These children don't learn very quickly

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