Английский язык Архивный вопрос

3. Вставьте артикль (a, an, the) там, где необходимо. 1. This is … camera. 2. This is … David. 3. I’d like to change … money. 4. … Martin is from … Italy. 5. This is … cinema. … cinema is new. 6. I’d like to buy … orange. 7. I am … student. My brothers are … farmers. 8. I want to buy … this stamp. 9. This is my … Smartphone. 10. … Smiths live in … London. 11. These are … students of our group. 12. …man entered the room. 13. She has … aunt and two … uncles. 14. Would you like …cup of tea? – Yes, I usually drink … tea in the morning.

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1 а
2 а

4 The and an
5a and the
7a and a
9 nothing
10An and a
13an and nothing
14 a and a

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