Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите пж как можно быстрее

Помогите пж как можно быстрее
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1) мой Папа смотрит телефо1) мой папа смотрит телевизор по вечерам
2) we don’t invite friends on weekends
His brother don’t go shopping every day
The girls don’t clean their room in the evening
3) decorate
4) Do they often
Where their friends
Does the students
Is her sister
5₽ they cook a pie on Sunday
Tom read books every evening

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1Мой папа смотрит телевизор вечером
2we didn't invite friends on weeknds
3 hes brother didn't go shoping every day
4they Girl did not cleaned their room
5 was decoration
6was lay/3колонка неправильных

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