Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Задание 4. Вставьте предложенные прилагательные или наречия в соответствующей форме (степени сравнения).
1.English grammar is (difficult) but English pronunciation is (difficult).
2.Today the weather is (bad) than yesterday. It is (cold) today and it is raining.
3.I am trying to work(cooperatively)with the other council.
4. Her English is (perfect) now.
5. My computer isn’t as (new) as my friend’s.
6.The debate might go (smoothly) if the speaking points were followed by a taste test.
7.Ann looks (well) than in the morning.
8. Nick is my (old) brother.

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1.English grammar is difficult but English pronunciation is more difficult.
2.Today the weather is worse than yesterday. It is colder today and it is raining.
3.I am trying to work morecooperatively with the other council.
4. Her English is more perfect now.
5. My computer isn’t as new as my friend’s.
6.The debate might go more smoothly if the speaking points were followed by a taste test.
7.Ann looks better than in the morning.
8. Nick is my elder brother. 

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