Английский язык Архивный вопрос

18.4. Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках.
A man came into the bar, (sit) down, (call) the barman and
(say) to him, “Give me a drink before the trouble (start).” The
barman (be) busy with other people, so he not (say) anything,
but (give) the man a whisky, and the man (drink) it quickly.
Then he (put) his glass down, and (cry) to the barman again,
“Give me another one before you (have) problems.” The barman
(have) no time to say anything, so he (bring) the man his drink
and (go) away. The man (smile) happily, and some time later
he (tell) the barman that he (want) another drink. This time
the owner of the bar (think) that it was too much and (ask) the
man, “What trouble you (talk) about?” The man (reply) that the
trouble was that he not (have) any money.

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Sat, called, said, will start, was, did not say, gave, drank, put, cried, will have, had, brought, went, smiled, told, wants, was thinking, asked, talked, replied, hasn`t

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