Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Complete the sentences with do, get or make.
1. Don't worry! We all ______ mistakes when we start learning a foreign language.
2. I can't promise anything but I'll __________ my best.
3. I wouldn't like to __________ you think that I'm interested only in the financial
aspects of this job.
4. I have no idea how to ________ my geometry homework because I have been
absent from school several times.
5. Hurry up! I don't want to __________ stuck in the traffic jam.
6. I'd like to-a complaint about the food served in this restaurant.
7. I'm warning you, Helen. Unless you __________ your job properly, you will
quickly __________ the sack.
8. Her dream was to __________ her living as an actress.
9. Don't moan all the time about your figure! __________ something about it.
10. Even if you _______ badly on the test, you will still have a chance to write it again.

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1) make
2) do
3) make
4) do
5) get
6) make 
7) do, get 
8) make
9) do
10) do

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