Английский язык Архивный вопрос

***Past Perfect***
---Read the situations and write sentences from the words in brackets.
1.You went to Jill's house but she wasn't there.(she/go/out).
2.I invited Rachel to the party but she couldn't com.(she/arrange/to do sth else).
3.You went to the cinema last night but arrived late.(the film/already/begin).
4.I was very pleased to see Tim again after such a long time.(i/not/see/him for five years).
5.I offered Sue something to eat but she refused.(she/just/have breakfast).

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1 She had gone out
2 She had arranged to do sth else
3 The film had already begun 
4 I hadn't seen him for five years 
5 She had just had breakfast 

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