Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Choose one correct variant only 1) … are our watches, a) this b) these c) that 2) Whose book is this? It is ….. a) my b) mine c) her 3) … no furniture in the room a) there is b) it is c) it has been 4) ….. languages do you speak? a) Whose b) how c) what 5) The town is famous for ….. beautiful architecture a) its b) i's c) his 6) Here is your ticket. Keep ….. a) him b) it c) his 7) Are you Greek? Yes, I ….. a) are b) is c) am 8) He is …. manager. a) ….. b) the c) a 9) ….. your parents English? a) is b) am c) are 1O) How ….. students are there in your class? a) much b) many c) a few 11) ….. s your name? a) where b) what c) which

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1) B   2)B   3) A   4)C   5)A   6)B   7)C   8)C   9)C   10)B   11)B

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