Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Past Simple or Past Progressive:

1. Tom & Sam …………………old leaves in the garden for a while, then went to the café.( to burn)
2. When I ………………the room Sally ……………….at the desk & ……………….the essay.
(to enter, to sit, to write)
3. While Jenny …………………..the floors Ted …………………..on the sofa. (to wash, to lie)
4.Jack ……………….me that his parents ………………….a voyage at the moment. (to tell, to make)
5.Some spectaculars ……………….. during the play, as there were no seats in the hall.(to stand)
6.The whole day all the members of the Emergency Session ………………those proposals. (to discuss)
7.I …………………the clatter of the rain last night. (not to hear)
8.I …………………down the street when the thunderstorm ……………… . (to drive, to begin)

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1. Were burning
2. Entered, was writing
3. Was washing, was lying
4. Told, were making
5. Were standing
6. Were discussing
7. Didn't hear
8. Was driving, began

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