Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Пожалуйста раскройте скобки и вставьте глаголы в правильной форме (Спасибо!)
I Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form
When Mr Smith 1 _________ (get up) in the morning the weather was very bad. It 2
_______ (be) very bad. It 3 _________ (be) cold outside and it 4 _________ (rain)
heavily. He was about to leave for his office when he 5 __________ (find) that all his
umbrellas 6 _________ (be) out of order. So he 7 __________(take) his umbrellas to the
umbrella-maker and 8 __________ (say) that he 9 _________ (come) back and take them
in the evening. In the afternoon Mr Smith 10 _________ (go) to have lunch at a restaurant.
A lady and 11 __________ (come) in 12_________ (sit) down at his table and 13
________ (have) lunch. Mr Smith 14 ________.(leave) earlier. By mistake Mr Smith 15
_________ (take) her umbrella and 16 ________ (go) to the door. However, the lady 17
_______ (ask) him to give her umbrella back. "Oh, I 18 ________ (be) sorry," 19
_________ (say) Mr Smith. In the evening Mr Smith 20 _______ (take) his umbrellas
from the umbrella-maker and 21._________ (get) on the train. The young lady 22
__________ (be) on the same train too. She 23 _________ (look) at his umbrellas and 24
_________ (say), "You 25 ________ (have) a good day, ________ you?"/

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1 (got up) 2 (was) 3  (was) 4 (was raining) 5  (found)  6  (were)  7 (took)  8  (said)  9  (would come) 10  (went)  11 (came) 12 (sat)  13 (had) 14 (left) 15 (took) 16 (went)  17 (asked) 18  (am)  19 (said) 20 (took)  21. (got) 22 (was)  23 (looked)  24 (said) 25  (have had) a good day, haven't you?

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