Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Упражнение по английскому языку.
Write the third person singular of the following verbs.
1) I speak - he ......
2) I carry -he .......
3) I go -he ......

Упражнение по английскому языку.<br>Write the third person singular of the following verbs.<br>1) I
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He spokes
He caress
He walks
He eateds
He playeds
He writeds
He teacheds
He life's
He likeds

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Там не дописано упражнение

1. He is speaking.
2.he is carrying.
3.he is going.
4.He is washing
5.He is eating.
6.He is playing
7. He is writing.
8. He is teaching
9. He is living
10.He is liking
11.He is sleeping
13. He is launching.
14. He is hinting.

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спасибо большое