Английский язык Архивный вопрос

2 Complete the text. Use the words in brackets in the right form. (9 points max.) When I was young, I used to live in a small village. There 1 (be) a school in the village, so I went to a school in a town about 5 km away. I 2 (not, like) the school because the 3 (child) were unfriendly, but I had many friends in the village. Then, in 2014 we 4 (move) from the village to another town. It was very sad. I had to tidy up everything before moving. When I 5 (put) my things into boxes, I started crying. When the men came to take everything to our new house, I 6 (sit) in my room, crying again. I thought then it was the 7 (bad) day in my life. However, it turned out that it was a change for the 8 (good). I still think about the old house and the village, but I’m happy now. I keep in touch with my village friends and I 9 (make) a lot of new friends in my town.

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1. Are
2.don't like
4. Moved
7. Worst
9. Maked

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