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Нужно перевести диалог из прямой речи в косвенную.

Нужно перевести диалог из прямой речи в косвенную.
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Susan greeted the doctor. The doctor greeted her in return and asked what was the matter with her. Susan answered that she felt bad because she had a headache and added that she was afraid she was running a temperature. The doctor asked Susan to open the mount and to show him her throat. He told Susan that she had a bad cold. The doctor also said that she had to stay in the bed until her temperature was normal and she stopped coughing. Susan exclaimed how she hated being ill and staying in the bed. The doctor replied that if she wasn't careful, she might fall ill with the flu or pneumonia and added that he would prescribe some medicine. Susan thanked the doctor and said goodbye to him.

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