Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Заполните пропуски:
1.There ... some new pupils in our group.
2. There ... on the table.
3. There ... many no book old houses in our street.
4. There ... 4 seasons in a year.
5. There ... many large cities in our country.
6, There ... nobody in the room.
7. There ... 7 days in a week.
8. There ... something on the shef.
9.There ... many playces of interest in London.
10.There ... many beautiful flowers in our garden.
11.There ... much work last week.

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1. don't
2. any
3. some
4. some
5. some, any
6. some
7. some
8. any
9. some
10. some
11. any

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