Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Утворіть будь ласка запитання і заперечення..
1)she has translated the text
2)Yesterday he got home at six o`clock
3) We are buying some new books now.

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1. she hasn't translated the text.
has she translated the text?
2. yesterday he didn't get home at six o'clock.
did he get home yesterday at six o'clock?
3. we aren't buying some books now.
are we buying some books now?

7 комментария:
Це правильно? точно?
да, я такое давно проходила, я уверена что оно правильное
не за что)
1) She(not/to go) to school these days.She (to be) ill.2)They (to spend) last month in France.3) They ( to drink) some good coffee in the coffee shop at the weekends.4) I ( to like) eating pork but now I hate it.5) You (to go) shopping every day? - No, I ( to go) shopping three times a week.
допоможи будь ласа
будь ласка

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