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Todd:Hey Ryan!Fancy seeing you here!
Ryan:Oh,hi Todd.Where are you off too?
Todd:Rome-just for the weekend.How about you?
Ryan:Glasgow,but my flight has been delayed.
Todd:Really?Have you been waiting long?
Ryan:Three hours and there haven't been any announcements for a while.
Todd:Oh!Then I'd better go and check my flight too!See you later,Ryan.
Ryan:Bye-oh!Todd,wait!I thin you've taken my bag!
Todd:Oh,did I!I didn't realise we had the same bag.
Ryan:Yes,I guess we do,but mine's got a sticker on the handle.
Todd:You're right!I'm terribly sorry about that.Here you are.
Ryan:Oh,don't worry about that.Have a good trip.
Todd:Thanks,and you too!
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