Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) In a fortnight’s time we … (pass) our exams. 2) I … (finish) this book by tomorrow

evening. 3) By the end of next year I … (be) here twenty-five years. 4) By next winter they …

(build) four houses in that field. 5) By the end of the university course I … (attend) 1,200

lectures. 6) By the end of the term I … (read) all the books on the list. 7) He … (finish) the

building of the house before summer. 8) After this performance I … (see) ‘Hamlet’ twenty-two

times. 9) I hope you … (not) forget all about the Future Perfect Tense by the next lesson.

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1 will pass
2 will finish
3 will be
4 will build
5 will attend
6 will read
7 will finish
8 will see
9 will not 

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