Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Друзья помогите пожалуйста?

Друзья помогите пожалуйста?
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Shopping online Clues down 1 when you shop online, you normally have to create an accoun which has your personal details. 2 you want to buy is called an it 5 eBay is an online au site, which sells things to the person who offers the most money. 7 Amazon is a popular w where you can buy things such as books, computers, and clothes. Clues across 3 When you find something you want to buy on a website, you put it in your shopping b
4 You can make a p in different ways, e.g. using your credit card or Paypal. 6 When you are ready to buy something, you go to the 8 You have to enter your d address so they can send your things to the correct place.



2. item
3. basket
4. payment
5. auction
6. checkout
7. website
8. delivery

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