Английский язык Архивный вопрос

11. Do you have _______ to complete the job on time?
a. enough resources
b. enough of resources
c. enough of resource
d. enough resource
12. Your taste in music is _______ mine.
a. similarly as
b. as similar as
c. similar
d. similar to
13. That television show always makes me _______.
a. laugh
b. to laugh
c. laughing
d. to be laughing
14. “Does Laura speak French well?” “Yes, _______ comes naturally to her.”
a. learn foreign languages
b. learning foreign languages
c. foreign languages learn
d. foreign languages learning
15. I _______ to the party if I had known Susan was going to be there.
a. will be going
b. will go
c. would go
d. would have gone
16. You think she is coming to the meeting tonight, _______ you?
a. don’t
b. won’t
c. can’t
d. aren’t
17. Biking _______ dangerous on that road.
a. is becoming increasingly
b. is being increasingly
c. has become increasing
d. has been increasing
18. It took a long time to do my homework, but I _______ to do it.
a. have
b. have had
c. had had
d. had
19. After _______ my homework last night, I was exhausted.
a. finish
b. finishing
c. finished
d. being finished
20. That dress is _______ expensive that I would have to work a month to pay for it.
a. too
b. more
c. so
d. such

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