Английский язык Архивный вопрос

VI. В некоторых из данных предложений глагол употреблён в неправильном грамматическом времени. Дайте правильный вариант там, где это необходимо. Подчеркните правильный вариант.
It rains at the moment.
It is raining at the moment.

1. He is smoking ten cigarettes a day.
2. I am liking black coffee.
3. Marry is in the kitchen. She cooked dinner.
4. I find London a beautiful city.
5. What are you thinking of London?

VII. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильном времени.

1. Last year I (to decide) to go to England for my holidays.
2. When I left Kiev it (to rain), but when I (to arrive) in London it (to clear) up.
3. I feel tired. I (to work) all day and I (not finish) yet.
4. She lives in Moscow long, but she (not see) many sights.
5. A cold wind (to blow) from the sea all day long yesterday.

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1. He smokes ten sigarettes a day.
2. I like black coffee.
3. Mary is in the kitchen. She is cooking dinner.
4. I found London a beautiful city.
5. What do you think of London?
1. decided
2. was raining //arrived //was clearing
3. have been working // haven't finished
4. hasn't seen
5. was blowing

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