Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Which of you ... at yesterday's meeting in the park?
a) were;
b) was;
c) will be
2. Who ... all those people standing at the notice board?
a) are;
b) is;
c) be
3. There ... a lot of guests at Tom and Elizabeth's wedding next Friday.
a) will;
b) are;
c) will be
4. Do you know how far ... from here to the university?
a) it is;
b) is it;
c) it to be
5. Who ... that woman in an elegant mink fur coat? - Susan, my cousin.
a) are;
b) was;
c) isn't
6. Hurry up! It ,.. time to leave or we ... late for the lecture.
a) was ... were;
b) is ... will;
c) is ... will be
7. Her new flat ... really cosy. But the old one ... more spacious.
a) is ... isn't;
b) is ... was;
c) is ... will be
8. It ... a rainy day and they ... glad to stay at home and watch TV.
a) was ... were;
b) will be ... were;
c) isn't ... will
9. There ... always a lot of snowdrops in the fields and forests in spring.
a) is;
b) are;
c) will
10. My grandmother ... 83 in a week.
a) was;
b) will be;
c) are
11. It ... surprising that there ... so much furniture in his room. It ... big enough for it.
a) is ,.. are ... is;
b) is ... aren't ... isn't;
c) is ... is ... isn't
12. I ... happy to see you tomorrow. Sunday ... my day off and we'll have a wonderful time.
a) will be ... isn't;
b) was ... was;
c) will be ... is
13. John ... the best tennis player in our school last year.
a) will be;
b) is;
c) was
14.How many spectators ... at the performance yesterday?
a) there were;
b) were there;
c) was there
15. Nora can't drive a car well. She ... a careful driver.
a) isn't;
b) is;
c) will be
16.Don't believe his words. He ... a terrible liar.
a) is;
b) isn't;
c) will be
17. There ... anything interesting in yesterday's news programmes.
a) isn't;
b) was;
c) wasn't
18.Why ... she at the seminar yesterday? - Don't you know? She ... ill.
a) was ... is;
b) is ... was;
c) wasn't ... is
19. ... you afraid of swimming so far? - No, I ... good at swimming.
a) Are ... am not;
b) Aren't ... am;
c) Aren't ... am not
20.There ... a lot of people who ... interested in collecting old coins.
a) are ... are;
b) are ... is;
c) aren't ... isn't
21.In my opinion she ... surprised to see so many
guests at the party.
a) was;
b) were;
c) to be
22. My parents ... proud of me if I pass the entrance exams successfully.
a) were;
b) will be;
c) is
23. They ... impressed by your tomorrow's speech. I'm sure.
a) are;
b) will be;
c) were
24. He ... 20 minutes late on Sunday morning. - Oh, it ... so typical of him.
a) is ... was;
b) is ... will be;
c) was ... is
25. Come on time, please, or he ... angry with you for being inexact.
a) won't to be;
b) will be;
c) is

26. We ... short of time and had to take a taxi.
a) are;
b) were;
c) weren't
27. I ... too nervous, ... I? - Yes, you ... sometimes.
a) am ... am ... aren't;
b) am ... am not ... are;
c) am ... aren't ... are
28. There ... a lot of questions after Mr Carter's press conference next Wednesday.
a) will be;
b) won't;
c) be
29. Their house ... very near and I ... so tired of their everyday visits.
a) isn't ... am;
b) is ... am not;
c) is ... am
30. Не ... happy to go on holiday in his new car last summer.
a) is;
b) isn't;
c) was

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