Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Срочно нужна помощь. Нужно написать прошедшее и будущее время . И задать 5видов вопросов к предложениям
1.I know him very well
2. The children often swim in the river
3. We pick apples in June
4. Our English teacher speaks three foreign languages.
5. Ann comes from wates

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1. I knew him very well. I will know him very well.
Do I know him very well?
2. The children swam in the river.
The children will swim in the river
Where is the children swim?
3. We picked apples in June
We will pick apples in June
When will we pick apples?
4. Our English teacher spoke three foreign languages
Our English teacher will speak three foreign languages
What will our teacher to do?
5. Ann came from wates
Ann will come from wates
Where will Ann come?

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