Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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I (revise)for my English exam tomorrow .
(You/always/study) hard ?
No , not always , but I really (want) to pass.
(You/speak) a lot of English?
No , but l (understand) it when l to in .
(You/go ) to the party after the exam ?
Yes .Joe (play ) the quitar with his band at the party.
(He /play)the guitar well ?
I (not know) .
(Your sister / go ) to the party with you ?
Yes, I think so .Her (friend/ come), too

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Will revise
Do you always
Don't want
Do you speak
Will you go
Will play
Does he play
Don't know
Will your sister go
Her friend will come
Надеюсь,что правильно все поняла

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