Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Ex. 140. TEST 8. Choose the correct answer.
1. Yesterday I _____ my son’s trousers.
a) sew b) sawe c) sewed d) sow
2. My brother’s son is my _____ .
a) cousin b) uncle c) nephew d) son-in-law
3. Smoking is a bad _____ of yours.
a) practice b) custom c) usage d) habit
4. He doesn’t like company. He always works _____ .
a) lonely b) solo c) only d) alone
5. I’ve got a very good _____ with the BBC.
a) work b) job c) profession d) occupation
6. How long does the train _____ from London to Edinburgh
a) travel b) voyage c) journey d) tour
7. My uncle arrived while I _____ dinner.
a) would cook b) cook c) had cooked d) was cooking
8. They _____ to the theatre twice so far his month.
a) are going b) are c) were d) have been
9. When _____ Mr Jones?
a) have you met b) you did meet c) you met d) did you meet
10. We have been waiting for you _____ .
a) an hour b) an hour ago c) since an hour d) for an hour
11. Don’t be late _____ your music lesson.
a) for b) on c) at d) to
12. I can’t wait. I’m _____ a hurry.
a) with b) in c) for d) on
13. He won’t be late, _____ he?
a) isn’t b) don’t c) will d) won’t
14. How long does it _____ to get to London?
a) want b) need c) take d) make
15. If you _____ to town tomorrow, will you do some shopping for
a) went b) will be going c) go d) will go
16. “It’s a pity you haven’t seen that play.” “But I have, I _____
it last week.”
a) have seen b) had seen c) saw d) was seen
17. Do you know _____ I met last Saturday?
a) with whom b) who c) that whom d) –
18. He would be very happy if you _____ what he asked.
a) do b) did c) will do d) have done
19. The whole thing is much simpler _____ you think.
a) – b) then c) than d) as what
20. I feel _____ after all this typing.
a) terribly tired b) myself terribly tired c) terribly bad d) myself terribly bad

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