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It is Monday morning and Lisa is at Heathrow Airport in London. A young Woman is Waiting for her. She towards Lisa.
"Hello Lisa. Welcome to London," she says. "My name is Diana. I am your guide."
"Hello," says Lisa." This is my First Time in London and I'm very Happy"
" London is a very exciting City," says Diana. "I Love It. Now, We must go to your hotel. My car is in the Car Park. Take your luggage and Flow My, Place"
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Her name was Diana. She was Lisa's guide. This was her first time at London and she was very happy. She said hello to Lisa and welcome to London. London is a very exciting City," says Diana. . At that time they must go to Lisa's hotel. Diana's car was in the Car Park. She said to Lisa that she must to take her your luggage and Flow Her Place.
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