Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Example: The bike is CHEAPER than the car (cheap)
1. Bill is ................................................. than John. (thin)
2. John is .......................................... than Billy. (clever)
3. Sally is ........................................ than Mary. (happy)
4.Sue is ................................................... of all. (pretty)
5. Pam is .................................................. than Clare. (old)

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1) thinner
2) more clever
3) happier
4) prettier
5) older

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1. Bill is ................................................. than John. (thinner)
2. John is .......................................... than Billy. (cleverer/more clever)
3. Sally is ........................................ than Mary. (happier)
4.Sue is ................................................... of all. (prettier)
5. Pam is .................................................. than Clare. (older)

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