Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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Задание;Поставь глагол в past simple или past cont

1)A strong wind____(Blow) the whole evening.
2)His mother___(speak) on the phone at 4 pm.
3)I___(Take) part in the competition last week.
4)They___(drive) to the country when it started raining.
5)He___(sleep) well last night.
6)I____(write) the exercise when the bell rang.
7)She___(not\phone)me in the morning.
8)I___(look) at the sky when you came up to me

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1. blew
2. spoke
3. took
4. drove
5. slept
6. wrote
7. wasn't on the phone with
8. looked

Надеюсь, это помогло!

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