Английский язык Архивный вопрос

РЕБЯЯТ ПОМОГИТЕ СРОЧНО .Fill in the gaps with Present Tense verbs What … you … (do) tonight? 1. Every summer he … (spend) the time with his friends. 2. Bred … (work) here for 10 years. 3. She … (not/write) the essay yet. 4. Mike … (live) there since his childhood. 5. Why … you … (smell) the flowers? 6. He … (already/do) the washing up. 7. Mary … (not/phone) her mother every day. 8. She … (bake) the cake since the morning. 9. He … (just/finish) his work. 10. They … (think) of buying a new car. 11. On Mondays he … (not/visit) his parents. 12. … you always … (write) with your left hand? 13. He is busy, he … (decorate) the room.

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What are you doing tonight?
1. He spends
2. Bred has been working here
3. She hasn't written
4. Mike has been living here
5. Why are you smelling
6. He has already done
7. Mary doesn't phone her mother
8. She has been baking
9. He has just finished
10. They are thinking of
11. He doesn't visit
12. Why do you always write
13. He is decorating

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What are you doing. 1) spends   2) has been warking 3)hasn't written
4) has been living      5) are you smelling      6)  already has done
7) doesn't phone    8) she has been baking  9)   just has finished
10. are thinking  11 doesn't visit  12.  do     write  13. is decorating

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