Английский язык Архивный вопрос

II. Use the right tense form of the verb.
How much money……..(you/spend) on food every week?
I…………….(never/eat) octopus, but I ……….(eat) squid.
Where is Ann? She …..(sunbathe) in the garden.
………..(you/watch) the TV? - No. You can switch it off if you like.
I’m afraid I………(not/speak) Spanish very well.
We ……….(look) everywhere for a purple silk shirt, but we……….(not/find) one yet.
………(you/hear) the latest news? A bomb ………(explode) in the station at 10 o’clock this morning.
John …………..(look for) a bigger flat.
She ………..(usually/finish) work before 6 o’clock.
……….(you/know) how to use this computer programme? Not yet. But I……….(learn).
Where …..(Joe/go) with that gun in his hand? Oh, he……….(always /carry) it with him when he goes walking in the woods.
Oh, hello Debby! I’m sorry, I……….(not recognize) you at first. You……..(lose) weight!

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How much money (do you/spend) on food every week?
I (have never/eaten) octopus, but I (have eaten) squid.
Where is Ann? She (is sunbathing) in the garden.
(Are you/watching) the TV? - No. You can switch it off if you like.
I’m afraid I (can not/speak) Spanish very well.
We (have looked) everywhere for a purple silk shirt, but we (have not/found) one yet.
(Have you/heard) the latest news? A bomb (exploded) in the station at 10 o’clock this morning.
John (is looking for) a bigger flat.
She (usually/finishes) work before 6 o’clock.
(Do you/know) how to use this computer programme? Not yet. But I (am learning).
Where (is Joe/going) with that gun in his hand? Oh, he (always /carries) it with him when he goes walking in the woods.
Oh, hello Debby! I’m sorry, I (did not recognize) you at first. You (have lost) weight!

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