Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Поставить глаголы в скобках в правильной форме.
1. If I ... (not to take) a taxi, I ... (to miss) the train.
2. If it ... (to be) sunny tomorrow, we ... (to go) to get a tan.
3. If I ... (to have) time tonight, I ... (to finish) reading this book.
4. If you ... (to work) at the weekend, I ... (to pay) you well.
5. If you ... (to ask) me for a help, I ... (to help) you at once.
6. If he ... (to finish) the work this week, he ... (can) go on holiday.
7. You ... (to pass) the exam unless you ... (to work) hard.
8. If she ... (to phone) me, I ... (to tell) her everything about it.
9. If I ... (to be) in your shoes, I ... (to spend) all the time in a gym.
10. If my brother ... (to come) to visit me on Sunday, we ... (to go) for a picnic.

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1. don't take, will miss
2. is, will go
3. have, will finish
4. work, will pay
5. ask, will help
6. finish, will be able to (can в будущем)
7. will pass, work
8. phone, will tell
9. am, will spend
10. come, will go.

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