Английский язык Архивный вопрос

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My name is Batyr(свое имя).I have recently graduated from school and entered the Pedagogical University. I’m now a student of the Faculty of Physical Education. At the end of my studies I’m planning to become a teacher of PE at school and a professional coach. I have always been fond of physical exercises and sports. Even when I’ve been studying at school, PE was my favourite subject. After school hours I spent at the gym or playing some outdoor games with my friends. We played tennis, basketball, football, ping-pong, beach volleyball, etc. Today, I’m proud to be a student of the best educational institution of our city. I like being a student. We have lots of fun. Apart from studying, we participate in various competitions and funny performances. For example, there is a tradition to stage funny sketches every year on the University Day. This event falls on October. Each faculty prepares some jokes and then presents them on stage. I was also the part of our team and we actually beat the other faculties. During the running competition, we came first as well. I think we have a winning faculty, because sports people are usually competitive. Although it is my first year at the university, I have already managed to practice teaching kids at the camp. It was a great experience. All I had to do was to wake up early and to do the morning exercise with camp children. In the afternoon we arranged some competitions. In the evening we sat together at a bonfire and sang collective song. Time passed quickly at the camp and soon I had to return to the city life. In conclusion, I’d like say that being a student feels great. I’m sure, when I become older, I’ll remember these years with a smile on my face.(но думаю вам следовало написать самому,ведь вы индивидум,и характер соответственно у вас не такой как в рассказе)

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