Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите, очень срочно, пожалуйста))))
Буду очень благодарна)))))

Помогите, очень срочно, пожалуйста))))<br> Буду очень благодарна)))))
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A)1. I knew that they were running the commercial TV station. 2. I knew that these radio stations were competing with each other. 3. I knew that children were playing computer games. 4. I knew that they were writing a composition. 5. I knew that they were playing football.
b)1. I was sure that the newspaper was delivered to him. 2. I was sure that the film was watched by them. 3. I was sure that he was busy. 4. I was sure that she was glad to meet them. 5. I was sure that the money was spent by them.
c)1. I hoped that Ann had helped her parents. 2. I hoped that she had wrote a letter. 3.  I hoped that the boy had studied the English language. 4. I hoped that she had cooked the dinner. 5. I hoped that he had bought the bread.
d)1. I thought that you would ask him. 2. I thought that they would be late. 3. I thought that he would go to the swimming pool. 4. I thought that she would bring the book. 5. I thought that they would come on Saturday.

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