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1) Russia is a country rich in its artistic and cultural traditions.2)Its museums attract tourists from all over the world.3)People come to the Hermitage to admire collections of sculpture, tapestry, textiles, weapons, ivory, pottery. 4) Everybody knows the masterpieces of outstanding Russian composers: Thcaikovsky, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov.5)Russian masters of letters created immortal works. Among them are such as Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev and Dostoeyevsky.6) Such plays as “Swan Lake”, “The Sleeping Beauty”, “The Nutcracker”are staged by many theatres in the world. 7) The real jewels of Russian architecture are the Moscow Kremlin with its cathedrals, towers and red brick walls and St. Basil`s Cathedral.8) There is also much young talent in Russia such as Anastasia Volochkova, a ballerina. 9) All of them will make their contribution into Russian Culture and Art.

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