Английский язык Архивный вопрос

1. The students _______ an essay for two hours already. a) has written

2. She _______ a letter at the moment. b) was writing

3. He ________ his report already. c) had been writing

4. The pupils _____ a test every lesson. d) wrote

5. Tom was reading the text while Kate _______ it down. e) will be writing

6. Shakespeare _____ a wonderful play “Romeo and Juliet”. f) will have written

7. Her fingers ached because she _______an article all day. g) is writing

8. Maybe I ______ him some words tomorrow. h) had written

9. They _______ a test this time next week. i) write

10. She _________ her book by next month. j) will write

11. Jane ________ her homework by the time her mum k) have been writing

came home.

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1) k
2) g
3) a
4) I
5) b
6) d
7) c
8) j
9) e
10) f
11) h

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