Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Переведите предложения с помощью оборота there be.

1.​ В классе 20 студентов.

2.​ В городе нет исторического музея.

3.​ В квартире 2 комнаты?

4.​ На концерте было много людей?

Нет комментариев



1. There are 20 students in the class.
2. There is no historical museum in the city.
3. Are there 2 rooms in the flat?
4. Were there many people at the concert?

Нет комментариев

1. There are 20 students in the class.
2. There is no historical museum in the town.
3. Are there 2 rooms in the flat?
4. Were there many people at the concert?

Нет комментариев

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