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Помогите пожалуйста решить срочно нужно!!!

Помогите пожалуйста решить срочно нужно!!!
Нет комментариев



11  woul
12 am trying
13 smokes
14 some information
15 any
16 lost
17 taller than
18 for
19 much
20 at
21  wrote
22 doesn't she
23 used to
24 did you go
25 a little
26 short
27 tell me
28 didn't need
29 hasn't been repaired
30 repairing
31 you to go
32 would have been
33 me to lend
34 if he was coming
35 hadn't
36 went

10 комментария:
1. Aesop lived in Greece more than two thousand years ago.
2. He as the servant of a rich man.
4. B
5 C
6. C
7. B
8. D
9. A

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