Английский язык Архивный вопрос

1. Put am/is/are or do/don’t/does/doesn’t. Вставьте am/is/are или
1. I … working under my project.
2. Excuse me, … you speak English?
3. He … not washing his car, he’s reading a newspaper.
4. Can you repeat this rule? I … understand.
5. She … work. She is ill.
6. How much …. it cost to go to the theatre?
7. They … painting the picture in the garden.
2. Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or present simple.
1. Excuse me, … you … (know) where the post office is?
2. I … (want) to eat a sandwich.
3. … you … (go) to travel abroad next year?
4. Where’s Bob? He … (listen) to music in his room.
5. How often … you …. (go) for a walk in the park?
6. My father … (read) magazines very often.
7. What time … your mother … (finish) her job in the evening?
8. She … (go) to the gym twice a week.
9. Liza … usually … (drive) to work. He usually catches the bus.
10. They … (do) their homework in the room.
3. Give the short answers to the questions.
1. Is he talking to the phone? – Yes, he is. / No, he isn’t.
2. Do you wash your car every Sundays?
3. Is she reading a book?
4. Do they often go dancing?
5. Are you going to the restaurant tonight?
6. Does he always do his homework?
4. Correct the mistakes.
1. Liza goes shopping tomorrow.
2. Bob brush his teeth twice a day.
3. I am learning English every day.
4. Peter looks for a new flat these days.
5. She eats an apple at the moment.
6. Do you cook dinner often?
7. She doesn’t writes letters very often

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