Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!

(3,4,5) задание

5) продолжение
5. Diana and Dasha dancing
6. Asya and l are flying a kite .
7. The children are standing in the garden.
( напомню задание)

" Удивись данным утверждениям.
образец: Alyosha is singing a song now- IS HE SINGING a song now?"

Помогите пожалуйста срочно!!!<br><br>(3,4,5) задание<br><br>5) продолжение <br>5. Diana and Dasha da
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3. Larry is playing soccer now.
Nanny Shine is driving a car now.
Maya is painting a picture now.
Paco and Larry are playing basketball now.
Dad and Mum are watching TV now.
My little brother is plaing a game now.
My big sister and I are reading a book now.
Grandpa and Grandma are talkibg now.
The children are singing a song now.
The child is drinking milk now.

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