Английский язык Архивный вопрос

Пожалуйста, срочно, cпасибо!
Open the brackets.
1. If they actress (not be)......................... famous, she (not be given)............................. the leading part in this play.
2. I ( to be)..................... grateful if you ( to explain)..................... me the purpouse of this activity.
3. If Sam ( to be)........ stronger, he ( to win).................. this championship.
4.As soon as I ( to finish).......................my embroidery, I ( to give ).................... it as a present to my granny.
5. We ( to know)...................... English worse now, if we ( not practice) .................. it every day.

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1.If the actress is not famous, she will not begiven the leading part in this play.
2. I (would be) grateful if you (explained) to me the purpouse of this activity.
3. If Sam (were) stronger, he (would have won) this championship.
4. As soon as I (finish) my embroidery, I (will give) it as a present to my granny.
5. We (would know) English worse now, if we (had not practiced) it every day.

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