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про Кристофора Колумба!Срочно!Заранее благодарю! ДАМ 99БАЛЛОВ

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Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He worked with his father as weaver, but the sea was always his real passion.

In the 15th century, it was difficult and dangerous to travel to Asia around the southern tip of Africa. Columbus decided to try to sail west to find a new trade route. People made fun of him, but finally King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave him supplies, men and three sailing ships for his voyage. They wanted to find a way to import gold and spices from Asia.

Columbus set sail from Spain in August 1492 with his three ships. Ten weeks later, he reached an island in the Bahamas. As he thought he was in India, he called the people there Indians! So he arrived safely back in Spain in March 1493, with plants, gold, cloth and other riches.

Columbus made three more voyages. He explored Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela and Central America. He died in 1506. Columbus was a brilliant and brave sailor.

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